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Owner and responsible for the content
Tammerle Carpentry Ltd. of Robert Tammerle & Co.
Afing Dorner 1B
39050 Afing BZ - Italy

Tel.: +39 0471 35 00 19
Mobile: +39 338 53 42 864
Certified Email:

Tax ID and VAT Number
IT 01531440210

Commercial Register
Registration Number: Commercial Register Bolzano, No. 01531440210
REA No.: BZ - 126970

Recipient Code

Liability for Content
All content on our website has been created with the utmost care and is intended for informational purposes only. However, errors or inaccuracies cannot be ruled out. Therefore, all information is provided without guarantee. We assume no responsibility for the content of external websites to which we link directly or indirectly.

In accordance with Legislative Decree No. 679/2016 (GDPR), the user acknowledges that their data may be used for processing requests and/or bookings, as well as for sending information about our activities or those of our partners.
Data will be processed in written form and/or using electronic means, in compliance with security measures that guarantee confidentiality.
Data Controller: Tammerle Carpentry Ltd.
Users may check, correct, supplement, or delete their data at any time.

Website Design and Development
Design and Layout: Tammerle Carpentry Ltd. of Robert Tammerle & Co.
Development: by Sara Kuen

Image Rights
Proof of image rights can be provided upon request.

We’ve created settings to reduce data usage on our website for lower energy and CO2 consumption.

→ Read more

Mit dem Schieberegler können Einstellungen zur Bildqualität gemacht werden, um während des Surfens den Energieverbrauch und den CO2-Ausstoss zu reduzieren.